Leave Management Module

The Leave Management Module was mainly put in place to improve the mechanisms available for creating, tracking, monitoring and management of leave requests.

It allows an applicant to input an identification number ie Persal number and it auto populates all the other information relating to the name of the applicant. After manually filling in the address during the leave period, the form enables you to select a leave type and it displays leave credits depending on which type of leave you have selected. The form also auto calculate the number of leave days taken by merely selecting the start and end date.With the addition of Cosign to electronically sign the document it enables the whole system to be done online from applicant to approver through a predefined workflow.

Increase Productivity        

Less time is spent in trivial but necessary tasks such as making copies, tracing lost leave documents and other challenges that come with manual processes. This in turn frees up more man hours and boosts employee productivity, efficiency and economy of effort as all the processes are done online.


Both the applicants and management can easily monitor the progress of their leave application. It enables management to identify where there are bottlenecks in the leave process as the system indicates the current person working on a leave application.
Once an applicant has filled in the necessary details in this case a Persal number the leave form populates the leave credits from the Persal dump hence assisting apllicants with information they need to know about their leave credits without having to consult with HR practitioners.

Cost efficiency and environmental friendly

Cut down on the number of copies printed for circulation. Seamless integration of document management abilities with leave management allows collaboration in this environment to drastically cut down the number of copies printed for sharing and attaching to tasks. This cuts down stationary expenditure for the company and saves trees.

Central Storage and Access of Information

Information pertaining to all leave requests is stored in a central repository where it is highly available whenever needed and can be easily retrieved by pulling out reports on applications from the system.


Intelligent Workflow process

Intelligence based on business rules defined by the client automates the process of sending leave applications to the next perfomer in the defined workflow process.

Custom Search

Search functionality is incorporated into the Leave Module. The list of attributes displayed at any point is changeable by the user depending on what kind of attributes being searched for. This provides great flexibility and a way to quickly display data in a meaningful way hence enbling quick business decision making by improving the whole process.

Reports and Saved Searches

Reports can be generated depending on what information needs to be available for users. The advanced search can also be used to create custom saved searches that will bring back data that meets a certain criteria consistently. This data may also be exported to CSV files for manipulation outside Documentum.


  • Monitoring of leave requests
  • Increased efficiency
  • Quicker turnaround
  • Easy tracking
  • Green solution

Key Features

  • Collaboration
  • Intelligent delegation
  • Custom search
  • Notifications