Supply Chain Management (SCM) Solution

Supply Chain Management, available from GMT, allows a requester to view their request for procurement at any stage, and eliminates the issue of inaccessibility of procurement documents for a particular procurement process. This ensures that when a request to incur expenditure is filled out, from that point on all documentation that is related to the procurement of the item will be linked together in such a way that any searches performed will show the linkages.

Monitor procurement process from beginning to end

The advantage of the Supply Chain Management module is that a requester can perform a quick check to find out exactly where their request is, if it has been approved, if goods have been received, and if invoices have been issued by the supplier. The solution will be built to include a lifecycle to suit the client. Overall, the solution allows the client to have complete governance of the supply chain, without the risk of losing sight of any relevant documents.   

Governance of supply chain

Gain visibility of documents relating to procurement

Often, related documents do not reside in the same location. We store invoices in a file, statements in a separate file, and orders in yet another. The Supply Chain Module will ensure that anyone will be able to see all the documents related to a particular procurement, using the same medium. All documents for a procurement will be linked together, using the order number as the common attribute.

Requests & approvals

Most organisations use a manual SCM process. Automating this process does not mean that the process must be redefined, just that the process can be paperless from request to delivery. GMT’s Supply Chain module will assist the client in this, as the procurement process will now begin with an electronic ‘request to procure’ memo. This memo will then be routed (within Documentum) to the relevant supervisor for approval.[assumption that reader will know of Documentum]


As part of the procurement process, an organisation will receive tenders or bids (mostly in hard copy) for work that needs to be completed. The Supply Chain module offers a tool that allows the organisation to scan in the bid documents, creating a central record of all the documents that were received, and capturing key data about them such as who placed the bid and the bid amount. This eliminates the risk of tender documentation being lost.

Goods received & Invoicing

When goods are received, the goods received note will be scanned in and imported into the system. Once again the order number is the link to related documents.

Once a supplier has sent through an invoice for a product or service, we capture the invoice and link it to the order as well. This ensures that all our procurement documents are linked. If the billing of the item is to be broken down, all associated invoices can be scanned and captured as part of the purchase of that item.

Contract management

GMT’s Supply Chain solution includes a contract management aspect. The client is able to effectively manage all contracts within the organisation, whether they are still work in progress, reviewed, approved, signed, renewable and/or expired. This is done through use of a lifecycle. Because of the ability to monitor the contracts, users will also be able to generate reports on the contracts. Supply Chain not only stores and archives contracts, but manages them as well.

Auditing compliance

In most organisations, documents get lost. With Supply Chain Management, we now have a centralised repository containing all documents relating to procurement, as well as tenders received and contracts that have been awarded to suppliers. The client therefore realises the audit compliance benefit. If necessary an organisation could even give auditors access to the system, meaning the time spent in the audit process could be reduced.

Crystal reports will also complement the audits, as they can be run for the organisation according to audit requirements. These reports can be scheduled to run periodically, which is an added advantage.

GMT and EMC: the choice for managing the supply chain management process

By implementing GMT Supply Chain Management, leveraging EMC Documentum, organisations can:

  • Gain advanced security features such as encrypted file stores and digital shredding
  • Take advantage of advanced information rights management capabilities to provide protection, control and audit trails for documents
  • Have the ability to link all documents that are associated with one procurement request
  • Capture all documents at entry point for management and archiving
  • Manage contracts effectively, as well as reporting on contracts
  • Gain audit compliance
  • Have reporting capability that is in line with audit requirements.

Key features

  • Seamless Microsoft integration
  • Supply chain governance
  • Monitoring the state of requests
  • Monitoring the state of contracts
  • Informative reporting
  • Advanced information rights management capabilities
  • Reporting facilities

The Big Picture

  • Monitoring procurement process
  • Governance of supply chain
    Requests & approvals
  • Goods received & invoicing
  • Tenders
  • Contract management
  • Audit compliance