Task/Case Management Solution

The Task/Case Management module allows a user to create a task and specify the properties of the task in great detail. This allows the recipient to fully understand what action is required: the priority, timelines and circumstances surrounding the creation of the task. It also allows feedback and responses to be created, and related documents to be attached to the task.

Increase Productivity

Less time is spent in trivial but necessary tasks such as making copies, tracing lost documents, and other challenges that come with manual processes. This in turn frees up more man hours and boosts employee productivity, efficiency and economy of effort.

High ROI and better utilisation of existing EDMS

This tool essentially provides greater functionality to the existing Documentum implementation in the organisation, and is fairly low maintenance after the initial investment of purchasing the module, with no need for additional Documentum licenses.

Go Green!

Cut down on the number of copies printed for circulation. Seamless integration of document management abilities with task management allows collaboration in this environment to drastically cut down the number of copies printed for sharing and attaching to tasks. This cuts down on stationery expenditure for the company, and saves trees.


Intelligent Delegation with minimum click-through

Intelligence based on business rules defined by the client automates the process of sending tasks to the individual assigned to action them.


The task module presents the recipient with a feedback mechanism through which they can report on progress and work done towards completing a task.

Lifecycle Management

The module allows monitoring of a task throughout its lifecycle, from creation to completion. The lifecycle corresponds with the organisation’s requirement to indicate the state of the task.
Depending on the organisational requirements, certain actions or events in the task module can be configured to trigger notifications to a defined list of recipients in order to keep them up to speed with developments concerning their tasks.

Task Dashboard

A great feature is the Task Dashboard, which gives users and managers the ability to visualise tasks, and quickly assess the status of their task list in terms of priority, due dates and status, without going into great detail. The task Dashboard provides the users with a quick and comprehensive summary of their tasks.

Custom Search

Search functionality is incorporated into the Task Module that allows filtering in the Task Dashboard, according to custom fields that are relevant to the user. The list of attributes displayed in the dashboard at any point is configured by the user. This gives great flexibility, and a way to display data quickly in a meaningful way.

Reports and Saved Searches

Reports may be generated depending on what information needs to be available for users. The advanced search can also be used to create custom saved searches that will bring back data consistently that meets certain criteria. This data may also be exported to CSV files for manipulation outside Documentum.


  • Increased productivity
  • Increased accountability
  • A ‘greener’ solution
  • High return on investment
  • Better utilisation of EDMS

Key Features

  • Collaboration
  • Intelligent delegation
  • Lifecycle management
  • Task Dashboard
  • Notifications